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陈 泳/博导



陈泳,教授,工学博士,博士生导师。主要研究方向为绿色储能材料和污废水处理技术。主持3项国家自然基金、2项甘肃省自然基金、兰州体育平台优秀青年项目,参加2项国家自然基金,多项省部级课题。获得甘肃省科技进步三等奖,甘肃省高等学校科研优秀成果一等奖。2018.7-2019.7在国家留学基金委的资助下在美国Purdue University访学一年。承担《体育平台》、《体育平台》、《体育平台》等课程的教学工作,是省级精品课程《体育平台》的主讲教师,主编教材1部,参编1部,指导本科生获得省级大学生创新项目1项,参与多项教学研究项目,发表教学和研究论文30余篇。


1. Chen Yong*, Zhang Jiawei, Xu Hui, Exploration of the degradation mechanism of ciprofloxacin in water by nano zero-valent iron combined with activated carbon and nickel, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 345 (2022), 118212-118223.

2. Xu Cheng, Chen Yong*, Ma Yannan, Huang Jiangdi, Zhao Jiang, Xu Hui, Waste activated carbon transformed to electrode of supercapacitor through combining with Co(OH)2, Electrochimica Acta, 367 (九游体育平台), 137475-137486.

3. Chen Yong*, Huang Jiandi, Zhang Xia, Xu Hui, Fabrication of hybrid supercapacitor of RGO//PPyNTs/Co(OH)2 based on K3Fe(CN)6 redox-active electrolyte, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 884 (九游体育平台), 115069-115078.

4. Chen Yong*, Xu Cheng, Zhao Jiang, Huang Jiangdi, Xu Hui, Gou Guojun,  Creating a new electrode material of supercapacitors from the waste multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Electrochimica Acta, 330 (2020), 135237-135246.

5. Chen Yong*, Lin Zonghui, Hao Rongrong, Xu Hui, Huang Chengyu, Rapid adsorption and reductive degradation of Naphthol Green B from aqueous solution by Polypyrrole/Attapulgite composites supported nanoscale zero-valent iron, Jou rnal of Hazardous Materials, 371 (2019), 8-17.

6. Chen Yong*, Zhang Xia, Xu Cheng, Xu Hui, The fabrication of asymmetry supercapacitor based on MWCNTs/ MnO2/PPy composites, Electrochimica Acta, 309 (2019), 424-431.

7. Chen Yong*, Long Wenchao, Xu Hui, Efficient removal of Acid Red 18 from aqueous solution by in-situ polymerization of polypyrrole-chitosan composites, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 287 (2019), 110888-110898.

8. Chen Yong*, Li Juanjuan, Tan Lin, Li Qi, Zhang Xia,Xu Hui, Electrodeposition of polypyrrole/functionalized-multiwalled carbon nanotubes composite and its application in supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 258 (2017), 43-50.






体育平台应用化学系,Email: chenylut@126.com

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